The Tools Panel

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On the left-hand side of the Light-O-Rama Sequence Editor is a Tools panel, with three subpanels ("Saved Tools", "Recent Tools", and "Clipboards"):



The Tools Panel


You can hide or show any individual subpanel by clicking on the arrows at its top right.  For example, with the "Recent Tools" subpanel hidden:



The Tools Panel, with the Recent Tools subpanel hidden


The Tools Panel can be partially hidden by clicking on the pin in its top right.  This will cause the Tools Panel to collapse down to a narrow bar on the left, with a wrench icon on a tab:



The Tools Panel, hidden


Moving your mouse over that tab will cause the panel to be shown again, at which time you can use its various items.  After you are done with it, and move your mouse away from the panel, it will collapse back down to be hidden again.  If you instead want it to remain open, you can click on its pin icon again.


You can also hide the Tools panel completely, so that not even the narrow bar with the wrench will be displayed, via "Tools Panel" on the View menu.  This can also be used to show the Tools panel again after having hidden it.


Whether the panel is visible or hidden, collapsed or open, and whether its individual subpanels are, is remembered in between runs of the Sequence Editor - that is, they will start up in the same states that they were in when you last used the Sequence Editor.


For details on the subpanels, please see their individual sections of the help file:


Saved Tools
Recent Tools